Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nouriel Roubini outlook about The Market the Stocks financial market and economy in general for 2010

1/26/10: In preparation for President Obama's first State of the Union address, economist Nouriel Roubini gives his perspective of what economic challenges we'll face this year and answers CitizenTube users' questions on the financial crisis

Questions from users:
"The biggest problem facing America today is that the people in Washington making economic decisions pay absolutely no price for being wrong. I understand many of them have really good intentions for the country, and they want America to get out of this economic slump, but that's simply not the way to do it. The only way to bring America out of this economic crisis is to allow private citizens to make their own choices without the government acting as a third party an intervening. The government should just get out of the way, it has enough to worry about."
-YouTube user: HowTheWorldWorks

"Why is the government copying the same formula that got us into the recession as its only plan for recovery?"
Roubini outlook about The Market the Stocks financial market and economy in general

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