Monday, January 10, 2011

Roubini predicts an expensive future: for the German Tax Payers

Nouriel Roubini  predicts an expensive future: for the German Tax Payers he speaks out what German taxpayers hardly want to hear: he believes that the Euro area needs substantial amounts of money from Germany. Money which finally has to come from the German taxpayers:
Spiegel: Star-Ökonom sieht Euro-Schicksal in deutscher Hand, Jan. 8, 2011
Er hat die Finanzkrise vorhergesagt, nun prognostiziert Nouriel Roubini den Deutschen eine teure Zukunft: Der Star-Ökonom weist der Bundesrepublik die Rolle des Entscheiders über Leben oder Tod des Euro zu. read more in the Spiegel

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