Thursday, February 24, 2011

Roubini The Sharp rise in food commodities and the unrest in the Middle east

Nouriel Roubini :......The Sharp rise in food commodities and the Middle east unrest n are the next crisis , it is not only in the middle east but also in India Pakistan and other parts of the world , the rise of commodity prices is leading to social instability , we can see regimes changes in most of the middle east countries in the next months if not in the next years , the most probable candidates according to Nouriel Roubini are Yemen which could see a break-up and a possible civil war , Bahrain may see a regime change which will trigger changes in neighboring eastern provinces of Saudi Arabia also a majority Shiites just like Bahrain but ruled by Sunni dynasties , the eastern provinces of Saudi Arabia are those with most of the oil fields , another possible candidate for unrest are Jordan Syria and of course Iran ....

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