Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nouriel Roubini on the S&P debt downgrade and its implications on the market

Nouriel Roubini : they (the S&P) went ahed now for a number of reasons first of all they downgraded a bunch of european countries and the Europeans were bashing the rating agencies ' why are you downgrading us and not downgrading the United States ? ' then they cornered themselves at the time of the debt ceiling debate by saying that unless there is a 4 trillion dollar deficit reduction we are going to downgrade you while the others were saying may be not an at this point given the market volatility in the last couple of days they can downgrade right now and if there is going to be a turmoil in the markets on Monday they could say ' hey it is not our fault it is may be because there is market volatility ' the reality is that they contributed to the crisis that caused them to then leading them to downgrade , there is no fundamental reason at this point compared to a few months ago for a downgrade the thing that has changed right now may be is a greater risk of deep recession and that's the only fundamental difference ....

Nouriel Roubini appears at around 04:35 in the video

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