Dr. Doom economist Nouriel Roubini announced over the weekend that the Euro would reach parity within 12 months, He said: “An orderly fall in the value of the euro is the only thing that is going to prevent a breakup of the monetary union.
“If you want Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland to stay in the monetary union rather than exiting, the only way of restoring competitiveness is going to be having a weaker euro. ”
Nouriel Roubini nicknamed Dr. Doom and lately Dr. Realist by CNBC , is a professor of economics at the Stern School of Business, New York University and chairman of RGE Roubini Global Economics, an economic consultancy firm . Prof. Nouriel Roubini A world-class economist who offers an unflinching look at the global meltdown and distinctive insights into its course going forward. His research on financial crisis in emerging economics has yielded a unique and now vindicated approach to future collapses. Roubini speaks on the global economic outlook and its implications for the financial markets. From his analysis of past collapses of emerging economies, he has identified common factors that support his predictions of crisis in the US and world markets. He has held several high-level advisory positions in the US government and international finance organisations, published numerous policy papers and books on key international macro-economic issues and is regularly cited as an authority in the media..Roubini speaks fluently English Italian Farsi Turkish and Hebrew . After receiving BA in political economics at Bocconi University in Milan northern Italy , and doctorate in international economics at Harvard University, he began academic research and policy making by teaching at Yale while also spending time at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Federal Reserve, World Bank, and Bank of Israel. Much of his early studies focused on emerging markets. During the administration of President Bill Clinton, he was a senior economist for the Council of Economic Advisers, later moving to the United States Treasury Department as a senior adviser to Timothy Geithner, who is now Treasury Secretary.